Terms of Service

Updated 2.9.2024



1.1 Background

These General Terms and Conditions (the Terms or General Terms and Conditions) concern the Boksi online services by which its customer (the Customer) may, through a platform developed and maintained by Boksi.com Solutions Oy (the Platform), order custom creative assets and social media marketing campaigns. 

The Customer may use the Platform to order (i) one or multiple marketing collaborations (each, a Collaboration) from Creators (the Influencer Collaboration), (ii) bundles of creative assets such as photographs and videos (Content) produced by independent content creators and creators (each a Creator) who are in a contractual relationship with Boksi, (the Content Creation Service), (iii) Content produced by Creator for the Customer’s earlier Influencer Collaborations , (iv) Content produced by Creator for the Customer’s earlier Content Creation Services (the Content Library), or (v) other services available at the Platform at any given time.

In addition to these Terms, the Creator General Terms and Conditions (The Creator Terms) and Privacy Policy are applicable to the services provided by Boksi. Data privacy is more deeply looked into in section 1.8 of these Terms.

1.2 Scope of the General Terms and Conditions; Right to use the Platform

    1. As a prerequisite to using the Platform, the Customer undertakes to follow these Terms.
    2. Use of the Platform is always governed by Finnish law, regardless of what country the Platform is used in.
    3. Pursuant to these Terms, Boksi grants the Customer a limited license to use the Platform, only in accordance with the Terms and separate instructions given on the Platform. 

1.3 Term of the General Terms and Conditions

These Terms become effective upon agreeing to be bound by these Terms while first commencing to use Boksi’s services and remain in force until further notice. For the avoidance of doubt, these Terms are accepted once, without limiting what is stated in section 1.9., although these Terms apply to each Content Purchase made by the Customer, which are further defined in section 3.7. Each Party may terminate these Terms by providing the other Party with a written termination notice at least two (2) weeks prior to termination.

The termination of these Terms by the Customer does not cancel or terminate any outstanding (i) orders for Content in relation to which the Customer has submitted a Content Brief (as defined in the General Terms and Conditions) to Boksi, or (ii) Collaborations, unless such Collaborations are simultaneously terminated in accordance with Section 2.5. of the General Terms and Conditions. Boksi can terminate these Terms, with immediate effect and without notice, if the Customer breaches these Terms. Boksi may also terminate these Terms, with immediate effect and without notice on serious grounds, if, for instance, the Customer acts in a way that is harmful to Boksi’s image, reputation, or business interests, by violating human dignity, acting immorally, conducting unfair commercial practices, or acting in other ways unethically.

1.4 Definitions

“Billing Period” means the cycle of billing agreed upon between Boksi and the Customer;

“Collaboration period” means a timeframe of a Collaboration or Content Brief set to the Platform.

“Content Fee” means the total price of the ordered Content. The price of each individual Content and the amount ordered are visible on the Platform.

“Content Purchase” means every content purchase the Customer makes in the Platform. Content can be purchased from Influencer Collaborations, Content Creation Service or Content Library.

"Creator Budget” means the consideration payable to the Creators for each Collaboration;

“Credits” means credits the Customer can buy from the Platform. The Credits can be used for purchasing Boksi’s services on the Platform.

“Participation fee” means the fee that is paid to Creators participating in Content Creation Service.

“Platform Fee” means the fees payable by the Customer to Boksi for using the Platform. One Platform Fee covers one brand.

“Service Fee” means Boksi’s service fee for Influencer Collaborations. This fee is separate from the Platform Fee.

“Subscription Agreement” means the one (1) year agreement between Boksi and the Customer.

“Subscription Period” means twelve (12) month period of the subscription agreement.

“The Minimum Budget” means the minimum amount charged (EUR 1 000) for every ordered Influencer Collaboration.

“Total Budget” means the Creator Budget and Service Fee together.

“Trial Period" means the first three (3) months of the subscription agreement during which the Customer has the right to amend or terminate the Agreement.

“Working day” means a day other than a Saturday, Sunday, or public holiday.

1.5 Limitation of liability

    1. Collaboration results
      The Customer is solely responsible for the financial results and the success of the Collaboration (in case of Influencer Collaboration) and/or the Marketing Collaboration or any other purpose for which the Customer orders Content (in case of Content Creation Service).  

      Boksi is not liable for realised sales or results of the Collaboration (in case of Influencer Collaboration) or the marketing Collaboration or any other purpose for which the Customer orders Content (in case of Content Creation Service). 

      If not agreed by writing, Boksi does not guarantee specific results (e.g. increased follower amount or engagement) for the social media management services. The Customer understands that social media performance may be influenced by numerous factors beyond its control. 

    2. Legal Compliance
      Boksi does not give any warranty as to the Collaboration posts’ (in case of Influencer Collaboration) or the Content’s (in case of Content Creation Service) compliance with any laws and regulations applicable to marketing of the products or services of the Customer. 

      Boksi is not responsible for any Collaboration or Content that breaches applicable laws, regulations, immaterial rights, or other rights related to the Content. For the avoidance of doubt, even though Boksi can offer guidance on the Platform or by other means about the legality of marketing, Content or Collaboration, the Customer is always responsible for the implementation of laws, regulations, and other rights.

    3. Maximum Liability
      Boksi’s maximum liability under these Terms is always limited (i) to an amount equal to its Service Fee for the Collaboration to which the claim relates (in case the claim relates to Influencer Collaboration), and (ii) to the Content Fee payable for the order to which the Customer’s claim relates (in case the claim relates to Content Creation Service).

    4. Platform Functionality
      The Platform is provided on an ”as is” basis. Boksi does not give any warranties as to the functioning of the Platform nor guarantee that the Platform works without interruptions and/or flawlessly. Boksi is not liable for any direct or indirect damages of the Customer caused by the use of false, insufficient or ambiguous information on the Platform. Furthermore, Boksi is not liable for damages to the Customer or any third parties caused by the use of the Platform or any malfunctions, technical difficulties, malware, links or interruptions therein.

      For the avoidance of doubt, Boksi does not give any warranties as to the functioning of the Platform, information and/or materials included in the Content, Content drafts, Platform, posts or post drafts to any third parties, such as the customers of advertising agencies using the Platform and shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damages caused to third parties in connection with the use of the Platform.

    5. Force Majeure
      Neither party shall be liable for any costs or damages due to any failure or delay in performance of its obligations under these Terms arising out of or caused, directly or indirectly, by circumstances beyond its reasonable control, including without limitation fires, floods, wars, acts of terrorism, strikes, epidemics, power failures, governmental actions, computer failures, platform outages, changes in social media algorithms or any similar circumstances (each, a Force Majeure Event) that affect the performance of the managed accounts. 

      For the avoidance of doubt, Boksi shall not be liable for any failure by a Creator to submit content to the Platform or by a Creator to participate in a Collaboration due to a Force Majeure Event. 

1.6 Platform use; Communication and further cooperation with Creators

    1. The Platform may not be used for purposes other than those specified in Section 1.1. For the avoidance of doubt, the Platform may not be used (i) to direct its users to other platforms, software or to other services, (ii) as a search engine, where the Customer uses the Platform to search for Creators and contacts them outside the Platform, or (iii) in any other way, the aim of which is to avoid Boksi’s fees.
    2. All communication between the Customer and the Creator relating to the Collaboration shall be made through the built-in communication function of the Platform.
    3. The Customer may not directly cooperate with a Creator that has previously participated or applied to participate in the Customer’s Collaboration, Content Creation Service or produced content to the Customer’s Content Library. Direct cooperation includes directly purchasing, licensing or otherwise acquiring rights to creative assets from Creators who have submitted Content to the Platform under a Content Brief or using such Content in the Customer’s marketing contrary to what is set out in these Terms. This limitation is valid for six (6) months from (i) the publishing date of the latest post in a Customer’s Collaboration, and (ii) the Creator’s deadline for submitting Content to the Platform set out in the Content Brief (as defined below). 
    4. If the Customer breaches any prohibition set out in this Section Boksi has the right to terminate the customership and these Terms with immediate effect and without notice. In addition, if the Customer breaches the prohibition set out in Section;
      1. 1.6 (a)(i), (ii) or (iii), the Customer is liable to pay Boksi the highest compensation from the following options: 1) agreed Service Fee for the Collaboration, 2) EUR 200 per Creator for whom the condition has been violated, or 3) EUR 2000.
      2. 1.6 (b), the Customer is liable to pay Boksi the highest compensation from the following options: 1) EUR 200 per Creator for whom the condition has been violated, or 2) EUR 2000. 
      3. 1.6(c)(i), the Customer is liable to pay Boksi 50% of the aggregate price that the Customer would have been liable to pay if the new Collaboration had been agreed on via the Platform, applying the same pricing as in the Customer’s previous Collaboration in which the Creator in question participated.  
      4. 1.6(c)(ii), the Customer is liable to pay Boksi EUR 200 per each creative asset purchased, licensed or otherwise acquired in breach of this prohibition. 

1.7 Intellectual Property Rights

    1. All Intellectual Property Rights to the Platform and parts thereof are exclusive property of Boksi and any of its potential licensors. 
    2. For the purposes of these Terms, Intellectual Property Rights means copyrights and related rights, trademarks, patents, trade names, trade secrets and any other intellectual property rights regardless of whether they can or cannot be registered. These Terms do not grant the Customer any rights to the Intellectual Property Rights of the Platform. 
    3. For the avoidance of doubt, Section 2.2 includes additional provisions concerning Intellectual Property Rights in the Influencer Collaboration and Section 3.5 includes additional provisions concerning Intellectual Property Rights in the Content Creation Service.

1.8 Personal data and information security

    1. Using the Influencer Collaboration and/or the Content Creation Service may require transferring personal data to Boksi. Boksi processes personal data in accordance with its privacy policy (https://boksi.com/privacy-policy). Boksi can use other service providers in the processing of the data, but also in order to implement the payment options. 
    2. The Customer is responsible for the due maintenance of its own information security systems. Boksi arranges the information security of the Platform in a generally acceptable manner and aims to prevent unauthorised third-party access to its information systems by using appropriate technical solutions. 

1.9 Changes to the General Terms and Conditions, Influencer Campaign or Content Creation Service

Boksi has the right to unilaterally and in its discretion change the features of the Influencer Collaboration or Content Creation Service and/or the terms of these General Terms and Conditions, in order to develop the Influencer Collaboration or Content Creation Service or for any other reason. Each Content Purchase is always subject to the Terms valid at the time of Purchase. Boksi notifies Customers about all substantial changes to the Terms. The changes become binding two weeks after Boksi announces the changes on the Platform. However, material changes to the features of the Influencer Collaboration or Content Creation Service and/or the terms of these General Terms and Conditions shall not affect the terms of any outstanding Collaborations and orders for Content. 


2.1 Details of Campaign; Total Budget

    1. The Customer orders a Collaboration by submitting the instructions to Creators in the form of a Collaboration description (Collaboration Brief) to the Platform. The Collaboration Brief shall include the following information: 
      1. the details of the posts to be made under the Collaboration (including the content type, style, channel and necessary tags); 
      2. details of the Customer’s materials or products to be included in the posts as well as information on whether the materials or products must be returned to the Customer; 
      3. the deadline for the submission of the post drafts;
      4. other requirements for the posts, such as the industry-specific regulatory requirements to be complied with; and the Total Budget of each Collaboration.
    1. If the Creator must purchase products or materials themselves to fulfil the Content Brief, the Customer is liable to reimburse the costs to the Creator.

2.2 Intellectual Property Rights under the Influencer Campaign

    1. The Creator and/or Boksi shall retain all Intellectual Property Rights to material posted by the Creator and post drafts. These Terms do not grant the Customer any rights to the material produced by the Creator for the Collaboration, such as photographs or videos, except as separately agreed. The Customer has the right to share the Creators’ publications on its own social media account in the channel on which the Creator published the original Content (reposting). The right to repost is valid during the Collaboration period and one month after the Collaboration period has ended, except as otherwise specifically agreed. 
    2. If the Customer wishes to obtain a Content License (Section 3.5(a)) to the material produced and set for sale by the Creator for the Collaboration, the Customer can purchase Content from the Platform or Content Library in accordance with the Section 3.7.

2.3 Approval of creators

    1. If the Customer manages a Collaboration (i.e. has not commissioned the management services for the Collaboration from Boksi), the Customer is obliged to review the Creators’ applications within three (3) working days from the application deadline set out in the Collaboration Brief and to announce the selection to the Creators that have submitted an application. The application period can be, upon written request, extended to two weeks. After the expiry of the deadline, Boksi may select the Creators on behalf of the Customer.
    2. The Customer has 24 hours to terminate a Creator’s participation in a Collaboration after the Creator has been selected to a Collaboration pursuant to Section 2.3(a) above. If the Customer terminates a Creator’s participation in a Collaboration within the mentioned 24 hours, but the Creator has already submitted a draft to the Platform, the Customer is liable to pay 50% compensation of the price related to the Content in question. If the Customer terminates a Creator’s participation in a Collaboration after the expiry of such a deadline, the Customer is liable to pay the agreed fee in full.
    3. The Customer has the right to terminate a Creator’s participation in a Collaboration, with immediate effect and without notice, if the Creator breaches the Creator Terms. The Customer may also terminate a Creator’s participation in a Collaboration, with immediate effect and without notice on serious grounds, if, for instance, the Creator acts in a way that is harmful to Customer’s image, reputation, or business interests, by violating human dignity, acting immorally, conducting unfair commercial practices, or acting in other ways unethically.

2.4 Approval of drafts

If the Customer manages the Collaboration (i.e. has not commissioned the management services for the Collaboration from Boksi), the Customer is obliged to review and approve the Creators’ each post draft within two (2) business days from when such post draft was uploaded to the Platform. The Customer may only prohibit publication of a draft post due to the draft post not complying with the Collaboration Brief or with applicable laws. 

If the Customer regardless wants to prohibit the publication, the Customer is obliged to pay both Boksi and the Creator what would have been due if the Collaboration were to be normally executed.

2.5 Cancellation of a Collaboration and amendment of the Collaboration Brief

    1. If the Customer cancels the Collaboration after the Collaboration Brief has been uploaded to the Platform, the Customer is liable to pay Boksi the highest compensation from the following options: (i) the Minimum budget (Section 4.1.) or (ii) the fees of the Creators already accepted to the Collaboration.
    2. The Collaboration Brief cannot be amended after the Creator(s) have accepted the Collaboration and the Collaboration Brief. Changes to the Collaboration Brief require Boksi’s written consent. If Boksi considers the amendment to materially impact the nature of the Collaboration, a new Collaboration Brief must be approved by the Creators who have been selected to the Collaboration. If a Creator refuses to participate in the Collaboration due to the change of the Collaboration Brief, the Customer is liable to pay the refusing Creator’s share of the Creator Budget and the Service Fee thereon.

2.6 Delivery of the products

The Customer shall, at its own expense, ensure that materials to be used by the Creators for photographs, products and other Collaboration materials are delivered to the Creators in accordance with the schedule agreed to in advance. If products are to be returned to the Customer, all expenses, including their possible damage, are covered by the Customer.

2.7 Creators´ right to remove Collaboration posts

Unless separately agreed, the Creators may remove Collaboration posts six (6) months after the publication date from their social media accounts. 

2.8 Correction Loop

The Customer shall be entitled to one (1) round of corrections, during which the Customer may request revisions to the produced content without incurring additional charges. Any subsequent correction requests beyond this initial round shall incur an additional fee, as set forth in the applicable rate schedule. The Customer is obliged to purchase the content after the correction loop is deployed, regardless of whether the revisions fall within the free first round or any subsequent rounds that are subject to additional charges. 


3.1 Content and Briefs

    1. To place an order for Content, the Customer shall submit a brief (the Content Brief) to Boksi by uploading the Content Brief to the Platform. The Content Brief shall include the following information:   
      1. the technical and audiovisual requirements for the Content;
      2. details of the Customer’s materials or products to be included in the Content as well as information on whether the materials or products must be returned to the Customer; 
      3. the deadline for the submission of the Content; and
      4. other requirements for the Content, such as the industry-specific regulatory requirements to be complied with.

    2. Photographs and videos are ordered in separate Content Briefs. If, however, the video and the photograph assignments are similar enough, it is possible, upon Boksi's discretion, to approve both to be under one Content Brief.
    3. If the Creator must purchase products or materials themselves to fulfil the Content Brief, the Customer is liable to reimburse the costs to the Creator.
    4. Submitting a Content Brief is considered a binding order for the Content. Boksi may at its sole but reasonable discretion reject a Content Brief submitted by the Customer; provided however in such case Boksi shall notify the Customer of such rejection without undue delay. In such case, the Customer shall be entitled to submit a new Content Brief under the same Billing Period. 
    5. Boksi shall present the Content Brief to prospective Creators who may at their discretion accept the Content Brief and thereby commit to creating and submitting Content to the Platform in accordance with the Content Brief. In the event that no Creators accepts the Content Brief, or the Creator(s) who has/have accepted the Content Brief is/are not able to provide the amount of Content ordered by the Customer, Boksi shall not be responsible for procuring the creation of Content, and the Content Brief shall lapse. 

3.2 Amendments and cancellation of a Content Brief

    1. After the first Creator has applied to the Content Creation Service, changes to the Content Brief require Boksi’s written consent and may require approval by the Creators who have accepted the Content Brief. 
    2. If the Customer cancels the order for Content after the first Creator has accepted the Content Brief, the Customer is liable to pay to Boksi the Content Fee for such order in full.

3.3 Delivery of materials

Unless otherwise specified in the Content Brief, the Customer shall, at its own expense, ensure that the Customer’s materials or products to be included in the Content be delivered to the Creators that have accepted the Content Brief in accordance with the schedule agreed between Boksi and the Customer in advance. The schedule shall be reasonable and take into account the deadline for the submission of Content. Failure by the Customer to deliver such materials in accordance with the agreed schedule shall extend the deadline for the submission of Content accordingly.

If the delivery of the materials is delayed for more than 30 days, the Creator may terminate the Collaboration, in which case the Customer is liable to pay twice the amount of the Participation Fee or the fee that would have become payable if the Collaboration were to be normally executed.

If products are to be returned to the Customer, all expenses, including their possible damage, are covered by the Customer.

3.4 Selection of Content

    1. The Customer shall select the Content it wishes to be included in its order within fourteen (14) days from the deadline for submission of Content by Creators set out in the Content Brief. The selection shall be made on the Platform.
    2. A failure by the Customer to select the amount of Content that the Customer would have been entitled to shall not affect its obligation to pay the relevant Content Fee in full. 
    3. Boksi may, if separately agreed, purchase and select Content for the Customer on its behalf. 

3.5 Intellectual Property Rights under the Content Creation Service

    1. When the Customer has selected Content in accordance with these Terms and subject to the Customer having paid the applicable Content Fee, Boksi grants to the Customer a worldwide, exclusive, permanent, irrevocable, sublicensable, royalty-free licence  to reproduce, adapt, modify, distribute, publicly perform, publicly display, broadcast, make available, store, archive, sell and otherwise commercially exploit and use such Content in whole or in part (the Content License). Under the Content License, the Customer shall be entitled to grant licences, sub-licenses and any other rights to the respective piece of Content. In case the Customer replaces the Content License in accordance with Section 3.6 below, the Content License to such Content shall lapse.
    2. Except for the rights set out in the licence grant in Section 3.5(a), Boksi and/or the respective Creator shall retain all Intellectual Property Rights to Content submitted to the Platform in accordance with a separate agreement between Boksi and the Creators. 
    3. Boksi may, regardless of any licences, use the Creator’s content in its Platform demonstration materials and as part of their marketing purposes, however, in such a way that the content does not play a significant role in the marketing. 

3.6 Remedies for deficient Content

If the Customer, after having selected Content, reasonably determines that a piece of Content it has selected on the Platform does not conform with the technical and audiovisual specifications set out in the Content Brief or breaches any applicable laws or regulations, the Customer shall have the right to replace the Content License to such deficient piece of Content with a Content License to another piece of Content submitted to the Platform under the same Content Brief. If no other piece of Content submitted to the Platform under the same Content Brief fulfils the technical and audiovisual specifications set out in the Content Brief, and such fact is accepted by Boksi, the Customer shall have the right to a refund of a portion the Content Fee, calculated on the basis of the deficient Content’s proportion of all Content ordered under relevant Content Brief.

3.7 Correction Loop

The Customer shall be entitled to one (1) round of corrections, during which the Customer may request revisions to the produced content without incurring additional charges. Any subsequent correction requests beyond this initial round shall incur an additional fee, as set forth in the applicable rate schedule.

3.8 Content Library

All the Content uploaded and put up for sale by the Creators in Influencer Collaboration or Content Projects, is automatically stored into the Customer’s Content Library. From the Content Library the Customer can purchase Content produced by Creators for earlier Influencer Collaboration and Content Projects. Sections, 3.5, 3.6. and 4.2 of these Terms apply also to the Orders made through the Content Library.


4.1 Service Description

Social media management services encompass content creation, posting, monitoring, and reporting. Any services beyond this scope—such as crisis management, advanced analytics, paid advertising, or influencer outreach—will require a separate agreement. The specific scope of services will be outlined in the booking confirmation.

4.2 Client Responsibilities

  1. Access and Permissions: The Client is responsible for providing access to their social media accounts and ensuring that all necessary permissions are granted. The Client must also approve content in a timely manner.

4.3 Content Approval and Posting

  1. Approval Process: All content must be approved by the Client prior to posting.
  2. Posting Schedule: The posting schedule will be established in the booking confirmation. Exact posting times cannot be guaranteed due to potential technical issues or unforeseen circumstances.


5.1 Influencer Collaborations

    1. Self-Service
      The Customer will be invoiced for the Influencer Collaborations. The minimum amount charged for ordered Influencer Collaboration is always at least EUR 1 000 (the Minimum budget). For the avoidance of doubt, the minimum amount will be charged even if the Customer would not go forward with the Collaboration or the value of the Collaboration order would be lower than the minimum budget. Platform Fee may be charged in connection with the commencement of the Billing Period and the Total Budget may be charged when Boksi commences the search for Creators for each Collaboration (when the Collaboration Brief has been published). If, after the Collaboration has concluded, the used costs were either under or over the Total Budget, the Customer will be refunded or billed accordingly when the Collaboration has been completed. 

    2. Full-Service
      Full-Service Influencer Collaboration involves a monthly subscription, with the Customer being invoiced monthly. Upon payment, the Customer receives a corresponding number of Credits on the Platform, which can be used to access and purchase content and services available on the platform.

      Unless otherwise agreed, the Subscription agreement is valid and binding for a period of one (1) year from the date of signature. Boksi offers new Subscription Customers a three (3) month trial period, during which the Customer has the right to modify or terminate the agreement before the end of the trial period. The subscription will automatically renew unless the Customer cancels it at least fourteen (14) days before the end of the Subscription Period.

      For the avoidance of doubt, if the Customer's expenditures on briefs exceed the monthly subscription fee, Boksi reserves the right to invoice the amount exceeding the subscription fee along with the following month's subscription fee.

    3. The Customer is not entitled to a refund of the Platform Fee based on the fact the Customer has not ordered a Collaboration during a Billing Period. For the avoidance of doubt, the Platform Fee does not cover the consideration payable to the Creators nor additional services which shall be separately agreed upon by the Customer and Boksi. 

    4. Fees for additional services jointly agreed upon by the Parties may be charged by Boksi when the additional service in question has been provided.

5.2 Content Purchases

  1. Credits
    1. In order for the Credits to be used to purchase the Content, the Customer must have purchased and paid for the Credits in advance. The price of the Credits, their validity, and more specific terms and instructions of use are available on the Platform and/or the booking confirmation.
    2. The Customer may choose to purchase Credits on a monthly-subscription basis (Subscription Model). The Customer will be invoiced monthly and be deposited a corresponding number of Credits on the Platform for use of services. The Credits can be used to access or purchase content and services offered on the platform. Unless otherwise agreed, a Subscription agreement remains valid and binding for a period of one (1) year from the signature of the Agreement. Boksi grants a three (3) month testing period for new Subscription Customers, during which the Customer has the right to amend or terminate the agreement to the expiry of the testing period. The subscription renews automatically unless cancelled by the Customer fourteen (14) days prior the expiry of the Subscription Period. 
  2. Credit expiration
    1. Credits expire after 3 months from the purchase. However, if the Customer buys more credits during the 3-month period, the expiration of all credits will be prolonged to 3 months.
    2. Credits purchased and obtained during a Subscription Period will survive and not expire during the length of the Subscription Period. Credits purchased and obtained during the subscription period will expire after 3 months from the cancellation of the Subscription Agreement. 

      For the avoidance of doubt, should the subscription period be prolonged either expressly or by automatic renewal, the Credits will not expire until the 3 months-notice-period defined above has passed.


5.3 Content fee and additional services

  1. Boksi has the right to charge the Content Fee 14 days after the end of the Collaboration Period, regardless of whether the Customer bought content or not. If the Collaboration is ordered with Credits, the ordered number of Credits must be used within 14 days from the end of the Collaboration period or Boksi has the right to withhold the Credits according to the amount of Content ordered.
  2. Fees for additional services separately agreed between the Parties may be charged by Boksi when the additional service in question has been provided.
  3. Once the purchase is completed and the content has been ordered, the order and the associated charges are final and cannot be withdrawn. The Customer receives the Content immediately upon purchase and the service is considered fully rendered at the time of the Content receipt. 


5.4 Prerequisites for purchasing 

Purchasing requires the provision of valid Credit Card information or invoicing information. The Customer is responsible for ensuring that the Credit Card information and the invoicing information are correct and up to date. Incomplete Credit Card or invoicing information does not cancel the order, but the user is obliged to pay the price of the purchased service. If the billing information is incomplete or out of date, Boksi has the right to use another invoicing option or send an invoice for the overdue amount.

5.5 Purchasing with Credit Card

    1. If the Customer adds their credit card information to pay for a service for the first time, Boksi may save the information to allow the same information to be used in the subsequent purchases. The purchase will be automatically charged from the provided Credit Card in subsequent purchases if the Customer selects a pre-filled card option.
    2. The purchase has been completed and the content ordered, after the Customer confirms the purchase. The Customer’s payment initiation is considered received after completing the purchase, by which the Customer gives Boksi its express consent for launching the payment transaction and the total amount of the purchase will be charged from the Credit Card the Customer has provided. 
    3. Customer authorizes Boksi or its authorized representative to send instructions to the financial institution that has issued the Customer’s Credit Card, for charging payments from the Credit Card account, that are to be made according to these Terms.
    4. The financial institution that has issued the Customer’s Credit Card or other service provider may have the right to make the payment in accordance with its own terms and their practices may affect the charge, for which Boksi is not responsible for. The financial institution that has issued the Customer’s Credit Card is also responsible for any Credit Card related issues. Boksi has the right to refuse the issuance of the payment initiation, including but not limited to situations where required by the existing legislation or in cases where the Customer is subject to international sanctions.

5.6 Purchasing with invoicing

The purchase is completed and the content ordered at the time the Customer confirms the purchase. The Customer’s payment initiation is considered received after completing the purchase, by which the Customer grants Boksi its express consent for invoicing. The total purchase amount will be invoiced using the payment information provided by the Customer during the purchase process.

Subscription customers are invoiced on a monthly basis for their subscription. In the event the subscription commences mid-month, the initial partial month shall be invoiced separately, with the subsequent full month billed at the beginning of the following month. The standard payment term shall be fourteen (14) days. Invoices may be administered by a third party, including but not limited to a factoring partner. Upon request, annual payments may be arranged and shall be confirmed in the booking confirmation.


These Terms shall be governed by the laws of Finland, excluding its choice of law rules.

Any dispute, controversy or claim arising from the Terms or a breach thereof, its termination or validity, including any dispute, controversy or claim relating to the Platform or the services provided thereon, shall primarily be solved by negotiation between the Parties. If the dispute, controversy or claim cannot be resolved by negotiations, the matter will be resolved by the District Court of Helsinki (Helsingin käräjäoikeus) as the court of first instance. 


Section Dispute Resolution of these Terms as well as Sections 1.6 (Communication with the Creator; further cooperation), 1.7 (Intellectual Property Rights), 2.2 (Intellectual Property Rights under the Influencer Collaboration), 3.5 (Intellectual Property Rights under the Content Creation Service) and 1.5 (Limitation of liability) of the Terms shall survive the termination of these Terms.